Search for Meaning (on this blog!)


Saturday, December 8, 2007


I'm becoming a man/
slowly shapes are changing as I grow/
I'm becoming a man/
everything's a different color tone/
I'm becoming a man/
and as I transpire the wire fence I'm becoming a man/
no one would have ever thought/
I'm becoming a man...

Responsibilities becoming just more numerous/
while life used to be rough now I'm smoothing it/
like a lubricant/
making peace with my fellows/
meadows flow with water cuz now i show my mellow self/
pride is no longer a virtue/
instead I care about what's going on in the fam/
make it positive/
initiative taken to make it prosperous/
forget about the past let's acknowledge it/
but concentrate on what's ahead/
a future full of happiness/
I found a perfect definition to that adjective/
just the other day/
my flavor mixing with that of a Colombian magic gift/
sift through the faces in the crowd/
I picked the one smile that echoed loud up in my mind/
registered like a nine on the Richter scale/
stabilized myself/
then she became for me a Duracell/
raining down like hail/
so now I'm trying to tell y'all...

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