Search for Meaning (on this blog!)


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Ao Quotes

"Knowledge and understanding form the foundation for wisdom, which forms the foundation for life, which forms the foundation for love, which forms the foundation for eternity, which forms the foundation for time. Now, who would rather live in ignorance?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"The wisest man is able to turn the grime in the alleys of life into the gold that paves the streets he walks, for he understands: it is this road that will take him to his happiness." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Many of the Answers lie in one's own soul. Reflection in ourselves, and expression of our souls, yields reflections of those Answers from the external world." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Never pass up an opportunity, whether it is a memory, a smile, or a special moment, to forgive someone you love." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Love is...perhaps the most universal, indescribable, and pure concept mankind will ever know." -Ao

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ao Quotes

"As we do not know where Eternity will take us, we must love those we cherish so dearly while we still have certainty." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Friendships are at times more complex than serious relationships. Many cycles are harder to break with a friend than with a partner, and many expectations cannot be expressed without a great loss to the dynamic." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Should a man that does not want to be alive be kept alive? Should a man that wants to be alive be kept in a tomb? If the soul desires to be free, should we incarcerate it 'for its own benefit'? Who should decide the fate of a man? Should it not be himself...?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"A mature mind knows the answer to the soul much sooner than to the world." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Why do others pretend to know you more than yourself? People make decisions for us constantly, never truly aware that destiny and fate are not complete until the individual pilots the mind himself..."

Ao Quotes

"Do not fall prey to those who seek out arbitrary reasons to justify their injustice...not only does this expend energy, but it impedes happiness as well. Let a vile man have his misery." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Up to what point is your perceived readiness for life to others more important than your own?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"All cycles must be broken if we are to prove what is right and what is wrong with them." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"That some men will have you choose between them and your happiness...what a horrible, selfish proposition. The home is especially vulnerable to such a thing, and is destroyed the quickest by it..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"It is never wise to meddle too long with any man's patience, for there is wrath within all men, even the docile ones..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Is a man that controls another for a supposed good cause not a tyrant?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Revisiting your past is like returning to your place of origin--you may find an old friend, remember an old promise, or even rekindle an old flame of passion...memories should never be erased." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"What happens when you have grand dreams of changing the world, and master plan schemes of making a swirl in the oceans with the motion of your love, your devotion? Even if you don't change the world or make those swirls, at least you keep the dream alive." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"The good friend is a rare gem...cherish it like your own heart, and polish it until it shines bright, but always remember that you may one day lose it..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"The cool wind of friendship may turn to dry heat in a split second, over a trifle, or for no reason at all. Never forget that people often change as does that wind--in a split second, over a trifle, and sometimes...for no reason at all." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"To love is to learn. To love is to grow. To love is to live." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"In the end, it won't matter what was done wrong or what could have been done better. All that will matter will be what was done right." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Why do some men think in hues of vengeance and retaliation, when the spectrum of humanity's color will forever contain the same ingredients?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Do not be the victim of victimization--for your mind becomes its own obstacle, and the soul becomes its own enemy..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Is there not more growth in error than in perfection? It is errancy that lets us add new gems to our collections, whereas perfection is but a dull jewel of which we would soon grow tired." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Money should never be the dream, but the vehicle in which your dreams should travel." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Those who have the most to gain by opening their minds often keep their eyes open the least and point their fingers the most." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Power is more a byproduct of the willingness of others to submit than of personal supremacy." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Do people truly rise to power...or are they allowed ascendancy by those with power to bestow?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Do not be angered by those who claim power over your actions, for a king with unwilling pawns...cannot win." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"There is light in every dream. Never allow a light to dwindle without first shining into the night. If enough dreams shine at once, the darkness will be gone." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"How sour will you let the juice be before you stop squeezing the oranges?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Sweetness of character and kindness of heart...two lights in the night, two smiles to the soul, two colors in the art of mankind. With them, the dark is whiter, the soul is finer, and the mural of our happiness is indeed much brighter." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"If your mind is the oxygen and your actions are the lungs, your dreams may eventually start breathing." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"It is better to keep a dream alive than to not dream at all, even if it never becomes a reality." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Only fools learn nothing from their anger." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"The worst thing to do when you are wronged is to allow an opportunity to learn pass you by." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Memories leave the mind, but the heart always remembers..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"They say that we lose our dreams as we grow and become dominated by reality...but must we be slaves to that cycle?" -Ao

Monday, November 26, 2007

Ao Quotes

"Poets weave stories with the fabric of rhyme and keep the soul warm through the magic of time." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Time changes and so do the when someone you knew to be so tender now drowns the village, give your respect and then move on." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Surely, there is nothing crueler than losing the love of an angel you still hold dear to your heart." -Ao

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Ao Quotes

"Those who are least fit to speak out talk the most." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Perpetuate your own motion, perpetuate your own mind...and you shall be freed." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Smile up at God and He will smile upon you." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Look into the eyes of your fellows from time to time, and remind yourself of the beauty reflected from their orbs." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Where will the wind take our dust, where will the wind take our love...will our tears be enough?" -Ao

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Ao Quotes

"Ah, the tongue! This deadliest of weapons is so often the culprit of our own demise..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Beware of becoming that which you call others...that is the cruelest of all ironies." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"A life composed of only positives would not stimulate our minds enough to make it worthwhile." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Love. Live. Love is Life. Life is Love. Live. Love." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"I have things to accomplish and places to see, so I have no time for modesty, know what I mean? Let the truth be told and get it right: for modesty, I have no time..."

Ao Quotes

"They say that mankind as a whole can achieve more than one man alone, that mankind is more important. But if the individual does not move, neither does the 'whole'". -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Perhaps a thorough enough punishment for those who choose the wicked paths in life." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Hope lies with the man that can live, be, act, shine even amongst the societal stare." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"The fables of man united, the myths of society as one, the illusions of love as the common force, will one day be real. The present state of man is the fable, the myth, the real illusion." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Happiness gained by taking it away from others is a paradox that creates another just as ironic--it widens the void it is supposed to fill." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Love a man while he can still be loved, not long after he is gone." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"To restrict the free thoughts and dreams of a man is to take away his growth, his freedom." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Every so often, there comes a man that scoffs at our concepts of limits, sneers at the word 'impossible', and mocks our attempts to preserve the boundaries we keep around ourselves. That man exists within us all, but only every so often do we free that man from our minds..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Love others not because, just because." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Give thanks for both the beautiful and the negative things in life--for the beauty brings happiness to the heart, while the negative cultivates the mind." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"As you were made out of love, to give of yourself to others is to share that love with mankind...what faster way to get There is there, than by giving, loving?"

Ao Quotes

"There should be no pretext for helping out a man in need." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Love comes in many forms." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"If life was a chessboard, would eight pawns not be better than one queen?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Before we can break the chains that bind humanity, we first need to free our own locks, our own souls, ourselves..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"A man should not live in the 'Tomorrow' to a point where he neglects Today, nor should he live in the 'Today' to a point where 'Tomorrow' is neglected...a line must be drawn, for neither 'Today' nor 'Tomorrow' are certain." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"If you want to forge the sword to your own liking, you must face the kiln." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"There can be no dawn without the darkness first." -Ao

Friday, November 23, 2007

Ao Quotes

"Life is an ocean, love is the wind, and your heart is the can get to the other side of that ocean on your own, tired and hungry if you do...or you can let love take you there." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"When the world asks you, 'How will thou change me?', reply, 'I will change your hatred into love, your many curses into blessings, your frowns into smiles...' That is how the world will change. That is how the world will love, feel blessed, and smile upon mankind." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"True love never fades, True love is eternal, Emotions in the heart never dissipate, Because emotions in the heart are never merely external." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"A little bit of love from many people can heal a wounded heart faster than time." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"A man without love is like a bird without wings...neither can fly." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"What sense is there in mist when you really want the sun?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Somebody great once told me, 'Don't let those around you discourage you from the things you want to do...crusades end, but you can always be a crusader.' One must never give up the fight." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"What's the use of crying when the dead can no longer hear you? Do not wait to help until help is too late." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"It is easy to say, 'I am not part of the problem,' when a situation calls for help in our world. But I ask you: If you witness the poisoning of your brother's cup, and you let him drink from it, are you a part of the problem?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"If you listen to the silence, perhaps you will begin to hear the laughter of the children?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"How many more lives will it take for us to realize the heavy price we pay for not helping out our own people?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"If you can teach yourself to be a great learner, the tests of life become quite simple." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"When someone says to you, 'You are flawed', tell them, 'I am neither more nor less flawed than any other man alive.' Is that not the truth?" -Ao

Theory of Balance

All things eventually balance out. Balance is an undeniable component of Life, and the scale will rise and fall with time, but at the twilight of existence, at the moment when the last star twinkles, the scale will know equilibrium.

The psychology of man struggles to find balance. The theories of Sigmund Freud point to an id and a superego, two opposing character components of the unconscious, that balance in the center as the Ego.

Balance exists in sociopsychological behavior. There are those who dislike us behind our backs, and those who admire us behind our backs. Some people offer negative feelings toward us publicly, while others shower us with positive ones privately. The world will scorn you once, revere you once; hate you twice, love you twice. But it will balance.

All men have strengths and flaws in their characters. When intense evil lies in the heart of one, there is no guarantee that affection, care, and goodness of the same caliber does not reside in the same one. We ignore some weaknesses and accept others.

If all men were created equal, then all men, and hence Life, were created with Balance in mind. It IS.

Ao Quotes

"If you ever find yourself enveloped in oppression, or in emotional turmoil, and you feel as if you have no way out, remember--it takes heat to forge a sword." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"A man that tries to strip us of our freedom, of our rights, by attempting to rule over our minds, will eventually cultivate the opposite of his intention: dissension for respect, enemy for ally, even hatred for love--men cannot be forced to feel." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"True respect should stem from a mutual understanding that it exists equally on both sides, balanced...if demanded from only one side, then how can you expect it to be true?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Why must man obsess over enforcing sometimes arbitrary laws, to a point where focus is lost, purpose is gone, and the noble idea is corrupted?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"The breath of your imagination is the same breath that can give life to your dreams." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Listen to life not only with your heart and your mind, but also with your soul as well...only then will you hear all the melodies man has created, taste all the good things God has promised, live all the dreams you have seen with your own eyes..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"If you exhibit pessimism on the road of life, where is existence going to take you?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"The dagger that hurts us the most is also the one that gives us the most strength sometimes--disappointment by a loved one." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"The freshest fruits can taste sweet to some people, bitter to while the perception is a taste that depends on the individual, the reality depends on the fruit itself." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"The glass of water when you are truly thirsty, or the cup of juice when you just want some flavor in your mouth...which is more important?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Every type of self-expression has its method...the higher the mastery of that method, the higher the value of that self-expression." -Ao

Theory of Expression

The more venues for expression an individual has, the less manifestation of negativity occurs within them.

Expression is the depiction or conveyance of feelings, of emotion, of thoughts and ideas, all of which is what actually drives mankind, and man, forward. Those who express themselves find outlets for all types of negative energy, which exists within all humans.

Without this release of energy, the negativity is kept within the individual's heart, mind, and soul until they cannot cope with it. This may lead to destructive means of expression--crime, violence, scapegoating, or the projection of negative emotions onto others. It all goes back to expression.

Humans have a strong need to express themselves. Limits imposed by society may hinder this expression, however, and so the individual must take steps in seeking out venues they consider to be positive outlets. Although these venues may not be in accordance with social convention, and as such must be chosen with maturity and intelligence, they are integral in releasing negative energy.

Ao Quotes

"Do not allow yourself to be blanketed solely by the fabric of other people, but weave your own fabric, your own cloth, to keep you confident in the face of cold." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Unique without you and you without unique...those two should never be alone, but combined into one word: younique". -Ao

Ao Quotes

"A sponge that is already wet will absorb water much faster than one that is dry..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Everyone's train of thought travels along a unique all depends on the individual's mental track." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Do what you love and love what you do." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"We live, we die, we smile, we cry. We laugh inside...but does the cycle end? Is man confined to live a life of time, of skies and nights, of darkness, then light...will the cycles ever end?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"What is it about man that impedes his growth, stifles his potential, shatters his dreams? Perhaps it is the neverending struggle between unlocking the chains that bind and locking the mind, both with the same hand..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"One-sided coins exist only in the homes of the ignorant." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"The only thing that guarantees true freedom is rising up against oppression, for that is in itself an act of freedom." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"If the will is strong in its desire to fight, should individual paths be woven with the frown of man as thread, or should the flag of convention wave in the wind of acceptance? The individual loses the acceptance of common man, while the common man loses his individuality." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Where do all emotions go? Do they register in the mind, or has oppressed man developed the ability to deflect them? The misery eludes me..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"When I look at my brother and see crystallized sweat on his brow, the frozen expression of pain in his eyes, the nullified hunger in his body, I think of myself--what a horrible mistake we are making, carrying out this worst of holocausts against our fellow men..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Once you amalgamate academia with creativity, you create a new standard for completeness of living." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"There are times when we want to believe that we are so different from one another, when in reality, we're all reflections of each other. We make the same mistakes, feel the same emotions--and many times, we're all the same people..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"They say 'Dance to the rhythm that is played--Baila al ritmo que se toca.' Sometimes, that's all life really is--just a dance." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"There is no such thing as a one-sided coin." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Stop looking at the land and check out the horizon--if you focus on what is directly in front of you instead of looking far off at where you can get to, you'll never find what you are looking for." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"What happens once the pendulum of time stops swinging? Is time a function of the pendulum's swing, or does the pendulum swing to the rhythm of time?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Today's enemies can be tomorrow's heroes..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"How is it that evil can unlock good? Is it possible that a spark of evil can incite holy fire?" -Ao

The Rule of Ultimatilality

Any intelligent organism that, through advanced technology or other means, extends its life or that if its species indefinitely, ultimately faces a loss of purpose for existence.

Ao Quotes

"Ask not 'Why?', but 'Why not?' ask". -Ask

Ao Quotes

"The pendulum that is Life swings left and right in one eternal motion...but imagine how boring that pendulum would be if it did not swing..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Words have limits, but smiles speak indefinitely." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"An intelligent dreamer is both the greatest ally and the fiercest enemy the world can have, for intelligence challenges ignorance, and dreams disprove reality..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Great men succeed because they are dreamers in a world that, for all its advocation of reality, does not even have enough control over manifest its own dreams." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"It is bad to lose the self in the sea of society, but to inhibit the flavor from dispersing in the to commit a crime against that society." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Don't be misled by the majestic fluidity of the shore and leave your mark in the sand, for it will wither away soon...instead challenge the mind to labor by the mountains, and your name will forever remain etched in the crag of society." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"When you reflect your light back at yourself, you no longer need others to assure you of your own illuminescence..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Why do we use the pace of our lives as an excuse for ignoring those that need...but a gentle smile to keep alive their hearts?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"You can concentrate on your flaws and be miserable, or focus on your strengths and find happiness....flaws are hard to fix, and doing so sometimes means losing some of the flavor that makes us original." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"We are born great men and women...the problem is not achieving greatness, but convincing society that we are great..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"It matters very little to have a thousand allies, if when you look in the mirror you see an enemy..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"My greatest fear is that collective man may not be wise enough to handle a lack of ignorance..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"There is no reason for any man to place envy on his mind...envy should be reserved for those that can never physically attain that which they desire...and even then, those men have something that others do not..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Without dreams, reality cannot take you many places...for reality is limited, but dreams...dreams are as real as you want them to be." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"There are a lot of two-dimensional people walking around in a 3D world...or perhaps I am a 3d individual in a two-dimensional world?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"What a great sadness, that from anger arises...a loss of our humanity." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"If you're thinking too hard about something, you probably shouldn't be thinking about it at all." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Society teaches not to question, not to challenge, not to argue, in order to preserve 'respect'...And yet, respect is not simply blind conformity or acceptance to authority. After all, if that conformity or acceptance is illusionary, is feigned, then so is that 'respect'..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Sometimes, humanity tends to postpone certainty, and in doing so creates an make reality bearable. But is that illusion really worth it?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Find beauty in the eyes of your reflection, the true one, instead of settling for the illusionary beauty of your shadow on society." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"What is gained when reality outweighs illusion?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"If they tell you that unorthodoxy is a crime, tell them that in blind orthodoxy they are committing the real crime--they are robbing themselves of their humanity..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"What causes man to further alienate, to annihilate, the next, when we are all unbalanced and yet balanced, when we are all evil and yet good, when we are all different...and yet the same?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Can you look into a man's eyes and not call him your own?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Insanity, like sanity, does not hold strength in numbers; contrary to belief, neither does normality. For normality does not in fact exist as applies to the majority, but only as applies to the Individual. Yet normality is a false, but socially necessary, idea..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Blind orthodoxy prevents us from seeing...the beauty of Individuality." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Scholastic education is only truly important up to the point that a man realizes what will make him happy in Life...after that, the importance of scholastics is downplayed, and school becomes only as important as man makes it out to be..." -Ao

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Ao Quotes

"The concept of Believing is independent of Universal Truth...for the person that is loyal to his belief is essentially as the person that is loyal to knowledge that disproves that belief...even though Universal Truth applies to both..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Should correctness, grammatical or otherwise, be stressed to a point that...nullifies meaning?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Living each day as if your last means living each day to the extent that makes you happiest means living by showing as much love as possible...Life is only one, but Happiness is eternal and Love is universal." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"They tell us that mediocrity should never be striven for, that it is negative...but they neglect to say, and fail to think, that neither does "full potential"...guarantee Happiness." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"We are all temporary soldiers in a brief war against time...but then victory, Heaven, lasts for all eternity." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Mentality arises from societal mentality affects existence in itself, a society of uniform mentality would never function." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"The motives behind actions are validated by thought." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Sometimes you cannot hope to be accepted, befriended, or even liked. All you can do is there for the taking, because like with Love, you might not always receive it from those you would like to...but in the end, you always get it back." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Can you kill a man that's ready to die?" -Ao

Ao Quotes

"We are living in a world in which we are surrounded by mist...there are those who choose to settle for what is immediately clear, and nothing more...and then there are those that squint their eyes and try to focus even what is blurry around them. These are the people who get the most out of Life; these are the people who see through the mist." Ao

Ao Quotes

"Sometimes we can lose ourselves in the minds of others...but you can always find yourself again if you delve into your own." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Next time someone tells you to keep dreaming...tell them it's the nicest advice you've gotten all day." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Even as fair as we tend to believe life is, there are days when the plant withers even in the presence of perfect water, light, and soil..." -Ao

Ao Quotes

"Success is a byproduct of the people that love you and care about you, and your ability to seek them out." -Ao

B-Boy Theory

As individuals grow as human beings, they develop characteristic traits that make them unique, along with interests that complement those traits. As I have evolved mentally for the past three years, one particular interest has allowed me to share my view on creativity with others, while enabling my intellect to expand as well: B-Boying.

Many people do not yet have a working understanding of what B-Boying signifies. To some, it is simply a dance, or even worse, a "street dance". To those that know and comprehend B-Boying, however, it is an artform in the Hip-Hop Culture, a craft that allows unlimited self-expression and creative freedom.

Through B-Boying, I am able to express to others that in order to attain a high level of achievement, people need to amplify not only their academic talents, but their creative talents as well. As I have progressed on my mission towards advancement of self, B-Boying has become a science of my mind, a science that I add on to daily. It defines and explains many of my thoughts, through the motion of art, on expression. It also fuses my philosophical and psychological personalities into one. B-Boying bridges the gap between my other interests to form one original concept of the self. I am a B-Boy.

The Theory of Mist

Life is composed of two types of mist: Dark Mist and White Mist. The world is generally made up mostly of Dark Mist. As people walk through Life, they are surrounded by this dark Mist, but have the ability to absorb mist, deflect mist, or do nothing at all.

The goal is to deflect the Dark Mist as much as possible. Unfortunately, the power is not unlimited, and will give out after some time. Doing nothing at all provides some protection from the Dark Mist, but after a limited time it becomes equivalent to absorbing it.

Dark Mist incorporates many of the most negative qualities in Life--hatred, oppression, ignorance, and so forth. After a certain amount of Dark Mist is absorbed, which is called the level of Tolerance, the person becomes Assimilated with it, acquires its negative qualities, and loses self--they are now part of the Dark Mist.

White Mist, on the other hand, exists in low quantities throughout the World. The White Mist is the opposite of the Dark Mist: it includes the positive qualities of Life, like love, peace, and happiness.

White Mist takes the form of loved ones, smiles, good times, and positive emotions. In order to protect oneself from being overcome by the Dark Mist, one must absorb the White Mist as frequently and as soon as possible. It provides temporary protection against 'Dark Mist Assimilation', while also replenishing Tolerance. Only through the long process of repeated White Mist absorption can the individual hope to ever reach the 'Dreampoint': the point at which Dark Mist is no longer effective in its attempts to Assimilate the body, mind, and soul, and at which the individual no longer needs to deflect it; 'White Mist Integration'.

Unfortunately, very few people ever reach the Dreampoint. The process of White Mist Integration is a long one that requires a powerful sense of self, patience, and the ability to efficiently deflect and recognize Dark Mist, which can only be accomplished by actively seeking out the White Mist.

The dominance of Dark Mist in the world is a byproduct of a failure in most people to seek out White Mist and absorbing it before Assimilation takes place. The power and abundance of Dark Mist is testament to the mental strength and determination needed to reach the Dreampoint. Unfortunately, Assimilation claims more souls daily, and the Dark Mist grows thicker, stronger, more determined. But there are those of us that can still see the Dreampoint in the Horizon. We WILL get there.


One minor caveat, however: I won't pretend to guarantee that all of these poems, rhymes, songs, quotes, or "philosophical musings", as I call them, will be any good. However creative; however magical I've always tried to be in my poetry, all of these are mere musings into a part of my soul that maybe is not talented at all. And although I'll do my best, I also don't promise that the works will be transcribed chronologically in the order I originally wrote them (going back a decade). So read on with the knowledge that, if you happen to enjoy but a few of these, or find some nugget of insight into me or yourself as a result of reading, I will be content enough with that--even if you find the vast remainder of my work to be trite or unabashedly recondite. Just a caveat, that's all.

Finally, A Search

I've finally decided to begin looking inwards for answers. The title of this blog--"Meaning From Uncertainty..."--derives from a desire to find meaning in my life, through the poetry I've been writing for a decade now. That sounds almost scary--I have been a poet for a decade! Amazing, how time passes you by...since my early high school days, I have used poetic language to express myself, and yet, I have never given my talent a thorough enough sifting, a serious enough look to see if I might find or figure something out about myself that could give me a sense of purpose, peace, or solace.

Like so many other souls, I oftentimes wander through this life wishing that I had "the answers", wishing that I could "make sense of it all", wondering if amidst all that anxiety and uncertainty prevalent in this society and world, I'll be able to make meaning. I guess I've tried that through my dancing, my occasional foray into music, and other things of interest, but I've until now neglected one of my biggest treasures of self-knowledge: my collection of poetry (and, yes, rap lyrics are a form of poetry as well, so I may very well include those in this blog!) I've amassed in these past ten years as a poet.

And there it is: why haven't I yet transcribed my works, however rudimentary, however base and simple (particularly my earliest works) in a public well for all to find? And if poetry is a window into the soul, why not go ahead and look through that entire window, in the hopes of finding the meaning that eludes me?

It is for this reason that I've finally decided to look inwards, to find meaning from uncertainty. Enjoy--and wish me luck.

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